I think a lot of the hard work of entrepreneurship
is really managing your own psychology.
Continue reading “Lessons From Co-Founding Facebook, And Now Asana”
I think a lot of the hard work of entrepreneurship
is really managing your own psychology.
Asana itself isn’t a process, right?
It is a tool that helps you manage your processes.
I hear the voice, I say thank you, I appreciate that you are trying to be helpful.
You can keep hanging out in my head, that’s totally fine.
Kick your feet up, make yourself comfortable, but that’s not me and I make decisions from a different place.
But you don’t actually need to do this because the My Tasks page is like your own private project.
Depending on the browser, sometimes the language switcher doesn't load on the embedded Amara player. In that case, please jump to the Amara page and manually choose the language.
I did a document called “Using Asana the Electron Shop Way” and that covers all the idiosyncrasiesof how we use it.
Depending on the browser, sometimes the language switcher doesn't load on the embedded Amara player. In that case, please jump to the Amara page and manually choose the language.
There are many features on Asana website, but I’ll focus on the “vision”
I created a presentation for an Asana-related event Join a hackathon with Asana API.
The name of the yoga move from which the company takes its name is /ˈɑːsənə/ (ahh suh nuh) with a stress on the first syllable. However, the name of the app has been “Americanified” to /əˈsɑnə/ (uh sah nuh).
How do you pronounce Asana?
I created a Japanese translation of a post on Quora, and wrote some more.
Let’s say I want to know how Julia and Josh decided to choose our machine vendor six months ago. No need to bug them because everything in the work graph is public by default so I can just search for that particular task find the conversation look inside and see exactly how they made the decision.
Every time you walked through the office, you would see people interacting with this system on three out of four monitors;
I created a Japanese translation of an article on usefyi.com.
What happens when we get to the point where we can do 10,000 people working together or 100,000 people